Customer Reviews

Based on 186 reviews
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More Time for Whatever

My Luba 2 AWD 10000 has been in operation for two weeks and I am enjoying the extra time resulting from being free from sitting on my zero turn. Previously I spent about four hours every four days mowing two acres around my home and an adjacent rental property. Luba 2 is now handling all of the mowing. Initial setup and area mapping was not too difficult after having watched a few YouTube videos posted by Mammotion and existing users. Optimal placement of the RTK beacon ensured actual operation of Luba2 was as expected. On the whole I am quite satisfied with my purchase.

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10 (Extremely likely)
Mammotion in Motion

The Yuka works as advertised, I have just begun working with it. Only issue so far is grass stringers get wrapped around the rake and I get overheated warning. Pause, clean and continue, all is well.

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10 (Extremely likely)
Really like the Luba 2 5000

I was stressed some about mapping but turned out after a lot studying up on how and asking questions I think I got it right. Does what I wanted it to do. I also bought the L-Wall mount because I have a lot of trees in my yard and around the house. Wasn’t sure it was gonna work but glad I bought it.

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10 (Extremely likely)
Excellent Robot Mower!

We love our robotic mower. It does the best job and is very easy to program. Highly recommend

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Time saver

I’m glad I bought the Luba2 1000! My lawn always looks great. Puts the neighbors to shame! I just hope there will be more mowing patterns to choose from soon.

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The best of the world.

Mote than I expected.

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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Robot mower

Really weak on instructions! If your not handy like me, It could be real hards to set up!

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10 (Extremely likely)
Decent device with limits

OK, I have a Luba one which I was already using and I was pretty happy with it. The problem that I had was, I could not get a connector pathway between the front and backyard. It would tell me that there was a problem connecting to the RTK.

Talking with support, they suggested that the loo would do a better job with a camera system on it. So I went ahead and ordered the Luba2. This system is completely different than the original Luba one system. Instructions are not very good as far as how to add this system in. For instance, they failed to tell you that you have to add the new RTK case system in. You do not want to fail to add that in. The RTK requires a separate software upgrade to get it up to the same software version and without the upgrade it cannot find satellites.

So after all of that, the system still will not correctly map the pathway between my front yard and backyard. Tells me a pathway was entered the robot winds up, crashing into things and and hanging up.. apparently a fairly wide pathway in my pathway is only 3 feet which is apparently not sufficient.

This requires me to manually walk the unit between the two mowing areas and then it will do its job. It completes it back to the main cutting area.

Oh one other thing I found out if you’re trying to put in a pathway do not have it go by the charging station. If you do, it will think you’re trying to do a pathway to the charging station and just as soon as you get to it, it will say pathway completed, and it will be done. Again, more things that failed to tell you about.

From a strictly financial perspective, beware of ordering direct from the company. You may think that the order is coming to you from a supplier, but it is not. The order is actually coming out of Taiwan and your credit card will be billed for foreign transaction fee.. I really think they should warn you about this.

I’ve decided to stay with Luba1 as it does the job and does it well. Since I would have to walk it back between the two areas no matter which one I used I’m just staying with the Luba one. Not worth the hassles involved for an international shipment to return the unit at my expense plus I’m beyond the 30 days due to the time it took to get this up and running. So I gave it away to a neighbor. They are, of course, thrilled.

This is still a nice device and the Luba2 does a very good job. It just does not do what I was told it would do. If you happen to have a large building that you wanted to go through I’m sure it would make it with plenty of room to spare. It is just not good for a narrow pathway.

Single choice: Amazon
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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
bumper issues

The app was difficult for me to negotiate. I still think it could be more user friendly. My luba 5000 is doing a good job cutting the grass but, the front bumper keeps getting knocked off. The luba will even run over sometimes. I have read other peoples comments on this issue and have reinstalled the bumper according to their suggestions. It still gets knocked off.

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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Good Product

Gets the job done.

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10 (Extremely likely)
Working well so far, but….

Three weeks with the Luba 2 and so far we love it. Saves us a ton of time that we normally would have to spend mowing the lawn. We love the straight lines it makes and how quiet it is.
My only real gripe at this point is some of the messaging you receive as the more accomplishes tasks do not make sense. For example, the mower leaves the charge station to begin a mow and it adjust the height of the blade. It tells you that it’s adjusting the height of the blade, but then gives the height value of what it was not what it’s adjusting to. This causes me to go in and double check the height setting I had selected.
Another example is when the mower returning to its charging station. When it successfully docks it gives the message “recharge successful” . Nooo, successful docking would be better. After it has recharged, that would be correct.

Single choice: Others
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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)

I just got a Luba2 AWD and cannot believe how it does on my hill. For 29 years I have struggled, first to mow it myself, then to hire people to mow it. No one lasts very long. There are parts of it that I measured to have a 37-degree (82%) slope, but our yard has never looked so good. It walks up the steepest parts with no hesitation (when the grass is dry). The attached pictures fail to capture the difficulties that the robot overcomes. You should make a video of it for advertising.

Doug Allen

Single choice: Amazon
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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Fired the goat and hired the barber!

For two years, I have been using a nondirectional robot mower. While I have been pleased with its performance, it was harder to set up because of the boundary wires. This year it seems to have created more problems by trying to dig in difficult spots. I knew I was going to replace it with a more intelligent robot and had selected the Luba 2. It is in the early stages of its operation. It takes a while to set it up, but with perseverance it proved to be relatively easy. I have my yard divided into five zones and I’m very pleased with the results so far. I’m looking forward to see how it behaves, when the grass begins to grow again. We are in a dry period right now . The robot is only cutting the grass twice a week and I may cut it down even less. I am pleased with the efficiency that it has in cutting the grass. There is no waste of time or random cutting here there and yonder.

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10 (Extremely likely)
So far it has exceeded my expectations!

I have slopes on three sides of my property. It has become difficult for me to mow these with my push mower. I hoped that the Luba 2 would solve this. I have only had it for a week but is has mowed all 3 areas, I was struggling with. Setup was straightforward and I actually mowed in front of the house same afternoon.

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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Mount RTK higher than you think!!!

Would have appreciated someone telling me to mount the RTK off the roof earlier. I tried placing it in several places in the yard to no avail. The minute it went on the roof all problems were solved.

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10 (Extremely likely)
Best mowing job EVER.

My Yuka 2000 is my first robotic mower that has been cutting reliably for six weeks, two of which I was away.

Yes it's fun. Yes pretty easy to set up. But don't buy one for that. Buy it because it is THE most superior way to mow. My lawn now looks great EVERYDAY. I have good WIFI at home and good satellite coverage which MAY have eased the installation.

PROs -
-Unlike heavy mowers it is NEARLY SILENT and is lightweight so can't tear up the lawn.
-Mowing often, it cuts off about 1/4 inch of the grass blades - so small it leaves nothing visible to clean up after. The lawn always looks great.
-requires very little maintenance or attention

- You still have to trim - some - but less than with my mower.
- It doesn't mulch up all leaves - hasn't been a real issue - sweeper should solve it anyway
- Your neighbors will be very jealous.

BTW - I have a fence that divides front lawn from back. Rather than leaving a gate open I cut a mower size hole in the fence which I can replace in winter. Works well.

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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Luba 2, 3000H - Edward

Very impressed with the Luba's ability to handle the slopes in my yard. By the "eye scope" I have a 85 foot wide by 18 - 20 foot high uphill slope of nearly a 40° angle. Right up the hill every time - nicely done Mammotion!

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10 (Extremely likely)

It was very hard to get set up and get positioning, I had to move it everywhere, I live in the country and have trees all around. But once I figured it out after chatting with people who only kinda helped, doing hard resets and making the robot return to charge multiple times, it works. I love it, cuts nice and makes good lines, don't forget your no go zones. Love that it is mowing freeing me up to do other work. It works while I'm gone. I am liking it. Hopefully it keeps things up no problems!

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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)

Overall I am happy with the Luba 2. I have had it almost 2 weeks. The lawn is starting to look good. It takes about 3 mowings to get get an even cut similar to my riding lawn mower. The more I get to know the quirks of the system the more I like the Luba 2. It is not 100% perfect. But the trade off of hands free mowing and a perfect clean cut, or the mower to loose signal at spot and then later have no issues when it goes to the same spot is worth it.

The biggest issue is customer support. I could not find a phone number and it took the company 10 days to respond to my email and the troubleshooting instructions. The problem was solved though I am not sure why.

This definitely has a lot of potential and hope there will be continual improvements.

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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Long setup

Yuka arrived 9 days ago. Have spent a couple hours each day working through instructions, help advice and videos. I finally got it to drive but couldn’t position or map an area to cut.

Today I finally got it to map an area and mow it. It’ll need a lot of editing, but finally “light at the end of the tunnel.” I was nearly ready to return it (or shoot it) but I have hope now.

Setup needs to be much simpler but otherwise it is ok. 4 or 5 stars and recommendation to friends if it finally does all things promised.

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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Chopping Up Leaves

I have NO idea how Luba is going to deal with leaves on the ground in the fall. If I remember, I will post again in the fall to let you know how it goes. I have five large trees in my yard.

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10 (Extremely likely)
Great mower, but a little buggy

The issues: It has its fair share of bugs with the mower and the app, and the user experience is tricky. Luckily I'm an IT engineer so I was able to get through it. I think some investment in the software development team would help make the experience feel more professional and polished.

The good: The mower itself is awesome, it's been mowing quite well. The hardware is excellent and I can tell how much they cared when building it. I love the different mowing patterns I can choose from and I'm excited about the sweeper that's coming. I don't think I'll ever go back to traditional mowing unless I'm forced to.

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10 (Extremely likely)
Great Mower

The install guide is a bit lacking on directions, but once you figure it out it works great.

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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Such a timesaver!!!

I'm loving it although I thought that the leaf attachment came with it. My first cut was successful and I'm excited to do more. It would be a five star if the attachment came with it for that price.

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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Yuka 1500 w/ Sweeper Bagger & Extra Battery

I got my Yuka 1500 & got it set up, but I am still waiting on the sweeper bagger and the extra battery. Not sure why they cannot ship these two things together. I have not received any confirmation or tracking numbers for the sweeper bagger and extra battery. I have every thing they sent me ready to go.

I was hoping to get the sweeper bagger and extra battery so I can plan on seeing how I need to store and protect this thing. I need a storage shed on my back patio and I need to measure it with the sweeper unit attached. I’m emailing the company today just now to ask for tracking info I think they should please find a way to SHIP BOTH TOGETHER it’s Been weeks since I got the Yuka 1500. I also have seen on Facebook where people are getting their packages stolen. I have 4K Video w/ Audio so I hope I don’t have any issues. I wish this company would make us sign for the packages. So far it’s charged up in my living room. I got the GPS & the pole mount and got that fixed to the side of my house off the back patio. I love the pole mount they sell it looks pretty awesome cannot wait to get my sweeper bagger and extra battery so I can start using it.

I am so excited about this robot lawn sweeper. I’m like a kid in a candy shop. I love gadgets. I am going to purchase the LUBA 2 next so I can see how that one does on my lawn. I have watched every YouTube video and this one guy tells his followers to use the ceramic spray when you first get it to make the water bead off of it when you go to clean it. And it makes clean up easy the grass or dirt just washes away and keeps it beautiful and brand new looking.

He is in Hawaii & his YouTube channel is Hawaiian Detailing he gives the best reviews and he has been with the company since the beginning. He also has the YUKA & LUBA. He tells and shows you the how ceramic spray he uses to keep it super clean you only need to apply this once and it will make clean up a breeze. It’s like detailing a BMW !!!

I am a new Fan of Mammotion YUKA 1500. I wish I had bought the YIKA 2000. But I didn’t know exactly what to get. I may buy the YUKA 2000. I will update my review with a video once I get my Sweeper & Bagger & Extra Battery!!! From what I. Ave seen on YouTube MAMMOTION is the KING of robot lawn mowers.